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100:00:02,460 --> 00:00:02,50020200:00:02,500 --> 00:00:03,46020 years300:00:03,460 --> 00:00:03,58020 years of400:00:03,580 --> 00:00:03,98020 years of 9/11500:00:03,980 --> 00:00:05,22020 years of 9/11 and600:00:05,260 --> 00:00:05,54020 years of 9/11 and700:00:05,540 --> 00:00:05,82020 years of 9/11 and the800:00:05,820 --> 00:00:06,02020 years of 9/11 and theinvasion900:00:06,020 --> 00:00:06,10020 years of 9/11 and theinvasion of1000:00:06,100 --> 00:00:06,42020 years of 9/11 and theinvasion of Afghanistan,1100:00:06,420 --> 00:00:06,66020 years of 9/11 and theinvasion of Afghanistan, American1200:00:06,660 --> 00:00:07,300invasion of Afghanistan, Americantroops1300:00:07,300 --> 00:00:07,660invasion of Afghanistan, Americantroops are1400:00:07,660 --> 00:00:07,860invasion of Afghanistan, Americantroops are finally1500:00:07,860 --> 00:00:15,780invasion of Afghanistan, Americantroops are finally leaving.1600:00:15,780 --> 00:00:16,180invasion of Afghanistan, Americantroops are finally leaving. But
Humm, por acaso nunca observei essa situação.